The object of the present invention is to consume raw food cultivated in
appropriate soil.
The constitution of the health food is: consuming cereals including rices
and wheats with or without husk, millets, pulses, tubers, leaf
vegetables, fruit vegetables, rosette crops, root vegetables, citrus
fruits, fruits, melons, seaweeds, and liverworts etc. as is; or consuming
powders thereof, or by soaking in water so as to process to a degree that
cell are not destructed (or if cells are destructed, the whole of leaf
vegetables including root, stem, and leaf or a portion thereof are
consumed as e.g. juice) and consuming without processing treatment
including heating, boiling in water, or steaming; or these cereals,
millets, or pulses are soaked in water to allow sprouting, and consumed
at around the time of sprouting without processing treatment including
heating, boiling in water, or steaming.