A delivery system for an expandable filter device includes a dual lumen
delivery sheath which has a lumen for receiving the expandable filter
device and a lumen for receiving a primary guide wire. The primary guide
wire is utilized to place the delivery sheath and expandable filter into
the desired region of the patient's vasculature via an over-the-wire or
rapid-exchange arrangement. The delivery sheath can be protracted over
the expandable filter device to allow the filter to be deployed within
the patient's vasculature at the desired location. The delivery system
can be embodied in an alternative design in which the primary guide wire
extends through a guide wire lumen located in an obturator which forms
part of the expandable filter device. Again, the primary guide wire is
utilized to maneuver the filter device into the desired area via an
over-the-wire arrangement. A slit extending longitudinally along the
length of the sheath facilitates the removal of the guide wire and
delivery sheath from the patient's vasculature.