A method of milling substantially insoluble solid organic biocides to form
a micron or sub-micron product having a narrow particle size distribution
is presented. The milling involves wet milling of the organic biocide
with high density milling media having a diameter between 0.1 mm and 0.8
mm, preferably between 0.2 mm and 0.7 mm, and a density equal to or
greater than 3.8 g/cc, preferably greater than 5.5 g/cc, in a ball mill
using between about 40% and 80% loading of the mill volume with milling
media, and having the organic biocide suspended in an aqueous milling
liquid which comprises one or more surface active agents. The milling
speed is preferably high, for example from about 1000 rpm to about 4000
rpm. The milled product can be used in foliar applications at a lower
effective dosage than prior art formulations, can be used in improved
antifouling paint formulations, and can be used in new applications such
as the direct injection of solid organic biocide particulates in wood to
act as a long lasting wood preservative.