A pressure pipe for transporting corrosive material, such as ozonated
water, is formed with a pipe joint that is resistant to ozone. An
intermediate portion of the pressure pipe is formed from a low-carbon
steel cylinder with inner and outer concrete layers and prestressing
wire. A stainless steel slip joint member is attached to an end of the
low-carbon steel cylinder to facilitate joining adjacent pipe sections.
The stainless steel slip joint members resist the corrosive effects of
ozone, while the inner concrete layer protects the low-carbon steel
cylinders of the intermediate portion. In one aspect of the invention, a
water treatment system constructed from pressure pipe as described above
is connected as a bypass loop to a primary pipe run from a water source
to a treatment plant. Ozone is introduced to water diverted through the
bypass loop. The water decomposes prior to being reintroduced back into
the primary pipe run.