The Quantum Matrix system is a multi-dimensional, multi-threaded exchange environment for data organization, management, and manipulation. Data is organized into a multi-dimensional structure of nodes. Nodes may represent data, absence of data, or another set of nodes. The multi-dimensional structure or portions of it can be automatically created from a file system. One or more associations are also defined for the multi-dimensional structure. An association indicates a relationship between a node and another node, data, or a set of nodes. The multi-dimensional structure is then displayed three-dimensionally and navigated. Relational logic, Boolean algebra, or a scripting language can be applied to the nodes, data, and associations to produce a resultant set of nodes. Furthermore, portions of the multi-dimensional structure can be isolated with the use of planes to ease navigation. Furthermore, Avatars may be displayed and used for collaborative purposes and to automate the navigation of the multi-dimensional structure.


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