A technique and associated software for spatially coordinating, storing,
and manipulating computer aided Design (CAD) files with a master
dimensional plan (MDP) file (FIG. 1, MPD File, Plan, Electrical,
Structural, etc.). The plan, elevation, section, and other related files
are coordinated to a single unified spatial layout referenced to the MDP
file. Special "tools" are used to design, manipulate and present the
information as two-dimensional drawings referenced in the working space
to the MDF file. Moving between the CAD drawing files coordinated to the
MDP is facilitated by using icons corresponding to standard architectural
graphic symbols as switch file icons that switch the user to other view
files of the displayed object based on the selected graphic symbol. The
technique allows the user who is familiar with standard architectural
nomenclature to move through CAD drawing files without needing to know
the underlying CAD file structure. The iconic switching technique of the
invention may also be used to move among coordinated no-architectural
design drawings of industrial items and the like and may also be used
independent of the spatial coordinating method as desired.