A method embodiment of the invention includes a scheme for trimming and
compensation of a laser emitter in a fiber optic link. A laser emitter is
provided. Also a reference optical power value is determined using data
models of laser emitter performance generated by statistical analysis of
sample population of lasers that are similar to the subject laser
emitter. The performance of the subject laser is measured and qualified
optical power levels for the subject laser emitter are determined using
the reference operating power value and measured performance of the
subject laser emitter. The driving current of the subject laser emitter
is adjusted to compensate for changes in temperature until the optical
power of the subject laser emitter obtains a desired qualified optical
power level. Related methods of determining qualified optical power
levels for a laser emitter in a fiber optic link are also disclosed. As
are methods of determining a reference optical power value for a laser
emitter to be coupled in a fiber optic link. Fiber optic links capable of
trimming and compensation in open and closed loop configurations are also