The invention relates to a method of dividing the power of an input
electromagnetic signal into two equal-power signals with a relative phase
difference of between them and an equal propagation delay.
The inventive method makes use of a photonic crystal coupler comprising
two parallel guides which are disposed close to one another and which are
based on coupled cavities. The method consists in exciting the odd mode
of the coupler which, owing to the symmetry thereof, ensures that the
field maxima coincide in one guide with the minima in the adjacent guide,
thereby producing a relative phase difference of The two
output signals are obtained through the spatial separation of the guides
forming the coupler, making use of the property possessed by guides in
photonic crystals for high transmission efficiency through very tight
curves. In this way, the size of the structure can be reduced
considerably. The inventive method can be used for both two-dimensional
and three-dimensional photonic crystals.