This abstract of the technical aspects of the Cabarb Deluxe Peanutchip
represents the Quality, Nutritional, and convenience of the savvy way
we're presenting a healthy and delicious snack that can and will be
enjoyed by people of all ages. The Cabarb Deluxe Peanutchip will possess
a natural, energy packed and delicious snack chip to be introduced to the
market place today. These snack chips will allow families to take them on
trips for healthy snacking, without the mess of shells, they can be taken
to the work place for a tasty snack when you're too busy to take a
luncheon break, children can take them to school to satisfy those midday
snack attacks, & they can be taken to the gym to fulfill the protein and
energy needs before and after a good workout. the Cabarb Deluxe
Peanutchips are high in vitamin E,low in Saturated fat and contain No