MPEG-n IPMP system with a wide interoperability is provided. For this
purpose, the IPMP_Data_BaseClass is defined, several IPMP data extending
from this base class are also defined. IPMP data is the data that
describes IPMP information, it includes: IPMP_OpaqueData;
IPMP_SelectiveDecryptionMessage; IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit;
IPMP_VideoWatermarkingInit; and IPMP_KeyData. Places where IPMP data
extending from IPMP_Data_BaseClass are also specified. With the above
work, a IPMP tool from Vendor A will be able to understand the IPMP data
constructed by Content Author B, hence the inter-operability will be
achieved, that is, the same protected content will be able to be consumed
on different vendor's MPEG-n IPMP terminals.