A recombinant plasmid DVA pVN22 coding the biosynthesis of a human leukocyte interferon .alpha.-I1 having size of 10.85 t.p.b. and consisting of the following units: EcoRI--HindIII--a fragment of the plasmid pAYC37 with the size of 9.45 t.p.b., HindIII--EcoRI--a fragment with the size of 1.4 t.p.b. consisting of the following members: a fragment of DNA with the size of 0.25 t.p.b. with the regulatory range of gene D of the phague .phi..times.174 and the first codons of the gene of interferon gene of interferon .alpha.-I1 with the size of 0.5 t.p.b., a region of the human genome DNA with the size of 0.65 t.p.b.; it has the following genetic markers: genome Ap.sup.R ensuring resistance against ampicillin, genome Sm.sup.R ensuring resistance to streptomycin; contains unique regions of recognition of restrictases: Hind III--O; EcoRI--1.4 t.p.b., BamHI--10.82 t.p.b., it is deposited at the collection of culture of microogranisms of the A11-Union Research Institute of Antibiotics and registered under the entry No. 1788.sup.I. A strain Pseudomonas Sp. 31 (pVN22)--producer of a human leukocyte interferon .alpha.-I1 containing a recombinant plasmid DNA pVN22 produced by the method of genetic engineering by introducing said plasmid into bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, deposited at the collection of cultures of microoorganisms of the A11-Union Research Institute of Antibiotics on 02.04.86 and registered under the entry No. 1788A.

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< DNA probe which reveals a hypervariable region on human chromosome 2

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