A communication network switch system, comprising: a first phone number
database accessed by a cable telephony network service provider; a second
phone number database accessed by an internet service provider; a
plurality of communication network switch devices conducting audio and/or
data communications therebetween through a cable telephony network or an
internet, the communication network switch devices switching audio and/or
data communications between the cable telephony network or an internet
telephony system and a short-range wireless communication network; and a
plurality of mobile communication devices each of which including a
long-range wireless network system transceiver module, a short-range
wireless network system transceiver module and a switch device module.
The communication network switch device includes a short-range wireless
communication network transceiver module, a cable telephony network
transceiver module, an internet telephony system drive module, a first
switch module and a second switch module. The first switch module of the
communication network switch device stores a communication number of a
long-range wireless communication network of the mobile communication
device and an assigned phone number of the switch device module in the
cable telephony network in the first phone number database. The second
switch module of the communication network switch device stores a
communication number of a long-range wireless communication network of
the mobile communication device and an IP address of the second switch
module in the second phone number database.