It used to be difficult to determine representative colors which allow
color conversion with accuracy throughout color spaces without
occurrences of local tone jump.An ink quantity lattice point smoothness
evaluation function for evaluating the smoothness of the disposition of
ink quantity lattice points whose components are the ink quantities of
inks in various colors and a CMY lattice point smoothness evaluation
function for evaluating the smoothness of the disposition of CMY lattice
points defined by CMY color components are defined. The CMY lattice
points and the ink quantity lattice points wherein the ink quantity
lattice point smoothness evaluation function and the CMY lattice point
smoothness evaluation function are separately minimized are taken as
lattice points for correspondence definition data creation. After both
are separately substantially minimized, a binding condition is imposed so
that the ink quantity lattices after readjustment will be converted into
CMY color lattice points determined by the minimization by a
predetermined transformation expression for converting ink quantity
lattice points into CMY lattice points. Further, limitation on ink
quantities adhering to a printing medium is imposed as a binding
condition. Thus, the positions of the ink quantity lattice points are