A scroll-type machine is disclosed which is particularly well suited for
use as a compressor in refrigeration and air conditioning systems and
incorporates a unique arrangement for modulating the capacity thereof. In
one group of embodiments the capacity of the scroll-type machine is
modulated by relative axial movement between the scroll members so as to
form a leakage path across the wrap tips and opposed end plates. In
another group of embodiments, modulation is achieved by reducing the
orbital radius of one of the scroll members to thereby form a leakage
path across the flank surfaces of the wraps. In the second group, a
plurality of pin members are moveable from a first and second positions.
In a first position the plurality of pin members operably enable the
scroll members to orbit and in a second position the pin members restrict
the orbiting motion of the first scroll members. Both types of scroll
separation may be accomplished in a time pulsed manner to thereby enable
a full range of modulation with the duration of the loading and unloading
periods being selected to maximize the efficiency of the overall system.
A motor control arrangement is also disclosed which may be used with
either of the modulation methods mentioned above to increase the
efficiency of the motor during periods of reduced load. Additionally,
either of the modulation arrangements mentioned above may be combined
with a delayed suction form of capacity modulation with or without the
motor control feature to thereby achieve better operating efficiency
under certain conditions.