This invention expands functions possible with electric equipment using
charge contorting Piezo technology. We replace engines and motors with
Piezo units. These power electric vehicles using nudging by Piezo strips
to turn shafts or axles holding propellers or wheels. Ranges of speeds
these electric air, land, and sea vehicles can go match that of
gas-powered vehicles. The fuel is electrons, which are stored in circuits
of rechargeable batteries laminated into their bodies and interior
structure. Piezos nudge either radiating spokes or bars on squirrel cage
attached to the shaft or axle rotating them at a range of speed in both
directions and stopping that rotation. Steerage is achieved with Piezo
trim tabs that, when charged, move the control surfaces as rudders in
planes and ships, and elevators and ailerons in planes. These tabs with
positive power applied change their position in one direction, and with
negative power, in the other direction. Releasing gas into a section of a
vehicle increases buoyancy. Piezo pumping the gas into a compressed air
chamber lowers buoyancy. Using Helium for this in the aircraft allows
balloon-type takeoffs and climbs. Ships with air replacing ballast water
ride higher in the water. Submarines can control their depth in this same
manner. Applying micro-sized Piezo pumps in a wristband, speech sounds
defined by patterns of air poofs in matrix and voice pitch defined by
poof frequency, gives an alternative to ear hearing for speech reception.
Nano scale application of the nudge concept defines sensor output by
contorting Piezos to short out power wires indicating light levels of
color sensors in tri-color pixels in video cameras. Reversing the
process, the Piezo units in a video display contort when signal charge
defines color levels contacting power wires which power the emitters.
Display brightness control is independent of this signal definition
method. This method uses little power for the amount of work provided.