A flue gas desulfurization process and system that utilize ammonia as a
reactant, and in which any hydrogen sulfide and/or mercaptans within the
ammonia are separated during the desulfurization process so as to prevent
their release into the atmosphere. The process and system entail
absorbing acidic gases from a flue gas with a scrubbing media containing
ammonium sulfate to produce a stream of scrubbed flue gas, collecting the
scrubbing media containing the absorbed acidic gases, injecting into the
collected scrubbing media a source of ammonia that is laden with hydrogen
sulfide and/or mercaptans so that the injected ammonia is absorbed into
and reacted with the collected scrubbing media, stripping the hydrogen
sulfide and/or mercaptans from the collected scrubbing media by causing
the hydrogen sulfide and/or mercaptans to exit the collected scrubbing
media as stripped gases, and collecting the stripped gases without
allowing the stripped gases to enter the stream of scrubbed flue gas.