An interactive Web book ("ibook") system is provided that allows material
to be contributed to the World Wide Web. An ibook is a self-extending,
self-sustaining information-redistributing Web robot, which is resident
on a data network such as the Internet or an intranet. Users may enroll
with an ibook as viewers or contributors. Viewers may view ibook
material, such as text or multimedia content. Contributors may contribute
original material to the ibook or may create derivations of existing
ibook material. Attribution information that identifies the source of
material in a derivation is automatically generated. Information
concerning the derivation of each work and its characteristics can be
used to help the user navigate through ibook material. The ibook system
keeps track of how often users access each work within an ibook.
Contributors may be automatically rewarded (e.g., by a monetary
distribution) based on the extent to which their contributed material is
viewed by the users.