A common inexpensive device such as an automotive internal rear view mirror, cell phone, or CHMBL (center high mounted brake light) incorporates an emergency warning system to detect a predefined signal emitted by an right of way vehicle such as an ambulance, police car, fire engine, or train. The right of way vehicle sends out a specific predefined signal to a predefined area. The specific predefined signal is picked up by a receiver of the present emergency warning system, which is preferably housed in a rear view mirror or cell phone, and which is always on, whether the internal rear view mirror, cell phone, or CHMBL is powered on or powered off. Then, after verification of the specific predefined signal, the internal rear view mirror, cell phone or CHMBL emits a warning, preferably an audio warning from a speaker housed in the internal rear view mirror, cell phone, or CHMBL. The emergency warning system can be incorporated into a telematics unit.

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< System, apparatus and methods for data communication between vehicle and remote data communication terminal, between portions of vehicle and other portions of vehicle, between two or more vehicles, and between vehicle and communications network

> Location based information system

~ 00474