Deployment of an RFID system in a business entails a thorough analysis of
the 3-dimensional topography in which it is deployed. A deployment field
may have multiple floors, multiple entries, multiple exits, and multiple
zones and fronts. A graphical deployment application, or visual design
tool, provides a graphical representation of the deployment area. Such an
application allows visual manipulation of the RFID components in the area
to generate realtime graphical feedback about the operation of the
dynamically configured deployment. The graphical user interface (GUI)
based application receives parameters and variables defining the
deployment area and the attributes of the transceivers and transponders
for deployment therein. The application identifies a zone of readability
of transponders in an area and visually displays such a zone along with
the RFID components to determine placement of transceivers accordingly. A
normalized scripting language, such as XML, allows definition of the RFID
components, which allows a user to manipulate the RFID components in a
graphical manner to identify an optimal operating configuration which
uses the fewest transceivers to provide transponder coverage.