Difference between a lens edge circumference and an edged lens
circumference is controlled to be always within a prescribed range so
that a spectacle lens of a properly finished circumference size can
always be supplied.A method of supplying a spectacle lens by bevel-edging
an uncut spectacle lens based on specified lens edge shape data includes
a lens edging step (S2) to rim machine a spectacle lens based on a lens
edge shape data and a prescribed edging condition of the spectacle frame,
a lens circumference measuring step (S3) to measure the circumference of
the spectacle lens bevel-edged by the lens edging step, a circumference
difference calculating step (S4) to calculate difference between the lens
circumference obtained by the step of measuring the lens circumference
and the lens edge circumference of the spectacle frame, and a correcting
step (S5 to S11) to correct the circumference correction value stored for
every edging condition so as to put the circumferential difference within
a prescribed range.