Method of modeling the biodegradation of hydrocarbons trapped in an oil
reservoir or trap through the action of the bacterial population in an
underlying aquifer.From data relative to the reservoir studied,
concerning the form and the height of the reservoir, the physical
characteristics of the porous medium, the thickness of the transition
zone between the hydrocarbons and the water, the composition of the
hydrocarbons, of the flow of electron acceptors entering the reservoir
and data relative to the bacterial population in the aquifer, modeling is
performed by discretizing the reservoir by means of a grid wherein the
height of each grid cell is the thickness of the transition zone, and the
variation, over the height of the reservoir, of the proportion in heavy
fractions of hydrocarbons under the effect of the biodegradation is
determined by iterative adjustment in each grid cell of the bacterial
population to the amount of hydrocarbons available, the pore space
available, the amount of electron acceptors present in the reservoir and
the degradation capacities of said population.Applications: determination
of the composition of oils in a reservoir and notably of the location of
the heaviest fractions.