A software and hardware driven CRASH REPAIR BOX allows a local computer to
be diagnosed and repaired from a remote computer location. The CRASH
REPAIR BOX is particularly useful in situations where the local host
computer has failed to properly BOOT. Using a memory and memory
controller, software for a particular user platform, such as WINDOWS
XP.TM. or WINDOWS 2000.TM., will be loaded from the remote computer into
the CRASH REPAIR BOX and stored in the memory. The BIOS in the local host
computer is then reconfigured to BOOT from the memory in the CRASH REPAIR
BOX. Thus, utilizing the platform software stored in the memory of the
CRASH REPAIR BOX, the local host computer will be able to properly and
fully BOOT. Once the local host computer is able to fully BOOT from the
software stored in the memory, further diagnostics and repairs can then
be conducted.