A multifunctional cooking oven for the preparation of food products
including a cooking chamber, racks within the cooking chamber to support
products to be prepared in the oven and a primary convection heat source.
There is a drainable collection pan positioned below the racks to collect
by-products rendered from the food products during preparation for later
use. A steam source is positioned below the collection pan as well as a
flavored smoke generator at the bottom of the preparation chamber.
Airflow paths within the preparation chamber allow for the circulation of
heat, steam and flavored smoke around the racks. The oven includes a
programmable controller to control the primary heat source, the steam
source and the flavored smoke generator that is programmed to operate any
one of the heat source, the steam source and the flavor generator in any
predetermined sequence, and for any predetermined duration of time to
provide optimum preparation and flavoring of the products.