The invention refers to an element (2) in the form of a stud (1)
incorporating anti-slipping and shock-absorbing means, which is foreseen
as generally cylindrical hollow body with a predetermined wall thickness,
selected to be compressed under the weight of the user, and with an outer
part (3) with an upper base (4) separated from the sole (1), with a
plurality of protuberances (7) of a small height and a depression or
cavity (8) with the same configuration as the upper base, but slightly
off-centred with respect to such upper base and with a lower portion (6)
in the form of a cavity, where a plurality of pins (10), essentially in
the form of a finger are evenly distributed. A surrounding notch (9) is
arranged around the lower base (5) of the outer portion (3). The upper
base (4) comprises at least a groove (11) to evacuate water, extending
from the cavity (8) towards the outer edge.