Techniques to make e-mail correspondent-centric rather than message-centric, and reduce junk e-mail. Tabulates, maintains, and updates useful information about the user's chosen correspondents, and the history and status of each correspondence series. Filters incoming messages from an unrecognized sender, asking user whether to add sender to correspondent list, and if so prompts user for needed information. Eliminates the need to search for e-mail addresses. Facilitates viewing sequential messages to and from a correspondent. Provides an effective tool to eliminate junk-mail by making it simpler and more practical to screen messages or change one's e-mail address. When user changes his e-mail address, automates notification of user's chosen correspondents, and in some cases can automatically update such correspondents' e-mail address lists. Eliminates need to manually create and maintain mailboxes or folders. Allows automated organization of e-mail by correspondent. Is easier to learn and use than previous forms of e-mail.


< Movement of data in a distributed database system to a storage location closest to a center of activity for the data

> Commitment chains for conflict resolution between disconnected data sharing applications

~ 00478