Disclosed are a system and method for monitoring total mercury within a gas sample in a substantially continuous manner and for calibrating for both elemental and oxidized mercury. A converter of the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) receives a gas sample containing vaporized mercury from a probe. The converter converts oxidized mercury present within the gas sample into an elemental mercury component and an oxidizing component using thermal cracking. The converter also reduces the pressure of the gas sample to minimize recombination of the elemental mercury component with the oxidizing components. A mercury analyzer of the system receives the reduced pressure gas sample from the converter and detects the fluorescence of the elemental mercury within the sample. The mercury analyzer holds the gas sample at the reduced pressure to reduce an effect of fluorescence quenching on the fluorescence of the elemental mercury within the sample and provides substantially accurate measurement of the concentration of the elemental mercury in the gas sample.

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< Mercury monitoring system and calibration

> Optical element fabrication method, optical element, exposure apparatus, device fabrication method

~ 00480