A remote radio railroad car located within or at the end of the train that
charges or exhausts the brake pipe in response to radio commands from the
lead unit. The brake pipe control system includes a first controller at a
first car at the lead end for controlling the brake pipe at the first car
and transmitting, via a radio link, brake pipe control signals to a
second controller in a remote car in the train. The second controller
controls the brake pipe at the remote car in response to the brake pipe
control signals from the first controller. If the second controller is on
the last car and the last car does not include an independent end of
train device, the second controller transmits brake pipe condition
signals to the first controller. If the second controller is on the last
car and the last car does include an independent end of train device, the
first controller established separate communication links with the second
controller and the end of train device. If the second controller is not
on the last car and the last car includes an end of train device, the
first controller established separate communication links with the second
controller and the end of train device.