A high-speed boat includes a hull having multiple sponsons. At least one
propulsion unit is disposed on the hull. The propulsion unit is moveable
with respect to the boat hull adjusting a thrust vector of the propulsion
unit. In another aspect, the high-speed boat may include a hull having
fore and aft portions. The fore portion includes multiple sponsons. At
least one moveable step is attached to one of the sponsons, dynamically
adjusting that sponson's relative contact position with respect to a
water surface. In another aspect, the high-speed boat may include a hull
having multiple sponsons separated by a forward hull portion. The forward
hull portion includes a top surface and a bottom surface. At least one
adjustable dump vent is formed on the bottom surface of the forward hull
portion. The dump vent includes a door moveable with respect to the dump
vent for controlling a volume of air released through the dump vent. The
dump vent extends from the bottom surface to the top surface of the
forward hull portion. In another aspect, the high-speed boat may include
a hull including a pair of sponsons separated by a forward hull portion.
The forward hull portion includes a top surface and bottom surface. At
least one static vent is formed on the bottom surface of the forward hull
portion. The static vent extends from the bottom surface to the top
surface of the forward hull portion. In another aspect, the high-speed
boat 20 may be integrated with a dynamic vessel control system.