The present disclosure relates to a number of inventions directed,
generally, to the application of image processing techniques to traffic
data acquisition using video images. The inventions reside in a traffic
monitoring system, the basic function of which is for traffic data
acquisition and incident detection. More specifically, the application of
image processing techniques for the detection of vehicle, from sequence
of video images, as well as the acquisition of traffic data and detection
of traffic incident. In one aspect, the present invention provides a
method of processing images received from a video based traffic
monitoring system. In another aspect, the present invention is directed
to a Region Of Interest (ROI) for detection of a moving vehicle and a
further aspect is directed to a method of detecting day or night status
in a traffic monitoring system. It's The application of various
algorithms to a video based traffic monitoring system is also considered
inventive. Other inventive aspects of the present traffic monitoring
system are outlined in the claims.