The navigational interface allows a user to control computer operations
and input text into applications running on the computing system with a
single input device. The navigational interface operates by receiving
selection signals from the input device. The navigational interface
includes an input device, a navigational interface interpretation module
having a sensor pattern, and a control display providing feedback of the
navigational interface interpretation module operations. The sensor
pattern is radially divided into a central sensory portion, a petals
sensory portion divided into sensory petals, and a circumferential
sensory portion. Each sensory portion references an information element.
The information elements are associated with tasks to be performed in the
computing system. The tasks might be computer control operations,
application selection, application operation, or inputting and editing of
textual characters into various applications running on the computing
system. The information elements are selected by a selection stroke on
the sensory portions and sensory petals of the sensor pattern. The
selection stroke is defined by information in the selection signal, which
is transmitted pursuant to a user input stroke. Tasks are performed
through recognization of the selection signal by the navigational
interface interpretation module. Following task execution, the
information elements associated with the sensor pattern are functionally
updated according to the executed task.