Telephony conferences are established within a packet network. Utilization
of a plurality of conference bridge resources within the packet network
is monitored. A database of user profiles is maintained associating
authorized users of the conference bridge resources with respective PIN
codes. A host user links to a call manager to initiate a request for a
conference session. The host user is authenticated according to a
respective one of the user profiles to determine an authenticated PIN
code for identifying the conference session. A portion of the conference
bridge resources are allocated in response to the authentication. The
authenticated PIN code is forwarded to the conference bridge resources.
The host user links to the allocated conference bridge resources. A guest
user links to the call manager to initiate a request to participate in
the conference session. The guest user identifies the authenticated PIN
code. The guest user links to the allocated conference bridge resources.
The host user and the guest user are bridged via the allocated bridge
resources in response to the authenticated PIN code.