A metod of performing a service which remotely monitors a Web site includes the steps of monitoring the site for an error and notifying a site representative in the event an error is detected on the site. Advance permission is not obtained prior to sending the notification and a fee is not charged for the service. The appropriate e-mail address to which the notification is sent is identified based on one or more categories and a priority assigned to all e-mail addresses identified on the monitored site. The notification may be sent, alternatively, to the representative of a site linked to the site monitored or to some other interested third party. Subscribers to the monitoring service may be enrolled automatically upon submission of their site to a search engine service or to a domain name registry. The list of service recipients generated by the monitoring service is usable for other commercial purposes.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Portable high speed internet device integrating cellular telephone and palm top computer

> Anti-alternation system for web-content

~ 00480