An apparatus for the continuous process of raw mixed sugar juice clarification by means of the settlement of insoluble particles and juice precipitate in a cylindrical clarifier tank that permits non-turbulent vertical subsidation and short retention time of the sugar juice in a relatively large, non-turbulent settling sector of the contents of the cylindrical clarifier tank which is maintained by the continuous rotary advancement of the raw mixed sugar juice entry and clear sugar juice and precipitate extraction station arm that rotates within and around the center of the annular shaped cylindrical clarifier tank. The rotating arm has three internal radial compartments which provide for the introduction of raw mixed sugar juice and the extraction of clear sugar juice and precipitate, in and out of the annular clarifier tank in the immediate vicinity of the respective leading and trailing faces of the rotating arm, through adjustable slots on the leading and trailing faces of the arm.


< Process for the production of crystalline fructose of high purity utilizing fructose syrup having a low content of fructose made from sucrose and product obtained

> Portable bulk product melt system

~ 00482