A logical calculation circuit capable of storing data, and performing
logical calculations with high reliability and high speeds are provided.
The residual polarized state s' of a load ferroelectric capacitor Cs' is
actively changed so that the residual polarized state s' of a load
ferroelectric capacitor Cs' is opposite to the residual polarized state s
of a storage ferroelectric capacitor Cs. In the case a reference
potential is made c=0 in the calculation operation, even if the second
data to be calculated x=1 is given to the storage ferroelectric capacitor
Cs in the residual polarized state s (the first data to be calculated)=0,
the ferroelectric capacitor Cs does not reverse in polarity. Even with
combinations other than s=0 and x=1, the ferroelectric capacitor Cs does
not reverse in polarity. Difference is great between a potential VA=VA(0)
occurring at a coupling node when x=1 is given to the ferroelectric
capacitor Cs of s=0 and a potential VA=VA(1) occurring at the coupling
node when x=1 is given to the ferroelectric capacitor Cs of s=1.