A method of training team participants to learn XP practices for
generating a required application for a customer includes selectively
using a combination of numeric, alphanumeric and pictorial puzzles/brain
teasers and a set of role play instructions upon the training team
participants learning of theoretical aspects of Agile methodology
practices. The method delivers twelve programming
practice-requirement-skills of: Onsite Customer, Planning Game, Small
Iterations, Simple Design, Metaphor, Re-factoring Metaphor-use,
Pair-Programming, Collective ownership, Sustainable Pace, Coding
Standards, and Testing and Continuous Integration. The learning kit
through timed iterations assists in designing, testing and code-release
conforming to coding standards. The learning kit assists in producing the
required code for the customer within time constraints of several
iteration steps which precede code generation. The participants work and
learn in team pairs which can be rotated if necessary.