A method that off-loads the processing associated with responding to user status requests for software task execution queues or for queued software tasks that are managed by a software task manager. A software task manager is periodically queried for status and the results of that periodic query are stored in a file. User queries for the status of the software task manager are handled by a separate process that can operate on the same or on a separate computing node than is hosting the software task manager. Queries submitted by users for the status of queues or queued software tasks managed by the software task manager are satisfied by retrieving the status data that are stored in the file. Alternative embodiments distribute copies of the file to several computing nodes to further alleviate the processing bottleneck caused by responding to frequent task manager status queries from many users.

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< Parameter passing of data structures where API and corresponding stored procedure are different versions/releases

> Monitoring message queues and starting processing applications

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