Present invention discloses novel designs of carbon nanotube spin valve
structures for incorporation into magnetic storage and magnetic sensing
devices, such as magnetic read head, MRAM, and magnetic field sensor. One
of the designs is an in-stack carbon nanotube spin valve, which consists
of a ferromagnetic free layer and a ferromagnetic pinned layer. The two
layers are physically separated, although they reside in parallel planes.
A single or plurality of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes are in
between the two layers, and in electrical contact with both. The other
design is a planar carbon nanotube spin valve, which consists of
ferromagnetic free layer and pinned layer in substantially the same
plane. They are electrically connected by in-plane aligned carbon
nanotubes, which reside in between. The methods of fabricating the
magnetic read head and MRAM devices utilizing these types of carbon
nanotube spin valves are also described.