An embodiment of torpedo, providing increased explosive energy, comprises:
a casing encapsulating a rubber container, having frontal cumulative
cavities with peripheral magnetic rings, said container containing an
elongated type explosive charge, an axle, a bushing slidely mounted on
the axle, spokes associated with the bushing and container's front,
cumulative cups with press-detonators; a formatter, joined with the
container's rear portion, slidely disposed on the axle, capable to
displace the charge from the rear to the middle of container thereby
converting it into a cumulative type charge; a magnetic cup slidely
disposed on the axle; an engine unit including a cylindrical shell, fixed
to the casing, the shell containing aluminum thin double-wall pipes
furnished with ignition detonators. The pipes are innerly stuffed with
compressed pyroxylin gunpowder; the internal space between the pipes'
double-walls is filled with water, gasified during the torpedo's launch
and outlet from the rear, increasing the torpedo's speed.