A built-in or added-on extension is situated upon a side of a shoe so as
to minimize or prevent injury caused by inversion of a foot/ankle during
athletic or other activities. The extension protrudes laterally out from
the side of the shoe and has a substantial horizontal component, with an
outer surface portion(s) adapted in shape, size, and/or placement so that
said portion(s) will impact the floor/ground upon inversion of the
foot/ankle but that none of the extension impacts, rubs, slides, or
otherwise contacts the ground/floor during normal activities of the
wearer. Said impact/contact only occurs when there is significant
ankle/foot inversion, that is, enough to potentially cause a mild lateral
ankle sprain. The preferred extension cushions and/or stops inversion at
an angle of inversion and/or at a time during the inversion wherein the
wearer may recover and straighten his foot/ankle before serious injury to
the ankle.