A loan origination system interface module for processing loan
applications from a user through a lender web site is described. The loan
originator accesses a lender web site to perform loan processing
procedures. The module is included on the lender's web page through a
standard object reference in HTML specification. The module contains
information unique to that lender, and the lender's identification number
as well as desired data format. Once the loan originator decides to
transfer a loan application or supplemental data to the lender, the
module examines the loan origination software pipeline and presents a
selection of loan products to the user. Once the user makes a selection,
the module extracts loan information stored in the loan origination
software by conducting a search for each required data field, relates
that data to the specific field in the vendor application format, and
packages the data in a format acceptable to the lender. The module then
finds the appropriate route to deliver the loan data to the lender,
either directly through a standard Internet secure communication
protocol, or indirectly through a separate server computer. The user can
then continue the transaction on the lender's web site in an
uninterrupted work flow. Loan processing occurs on the lender's web site,
and the interaction of the web site and loan origination software is
handled by the module.