A passenger seat assembly for a vehicle, particularly an aircraft, which
is adapted to provide self-contained, individual seating and sleeping
accommodation for a passenger, said seating assembly including a
supporting structure (42) for supporting said assembly off the floor of a
vehicle; one or more movable, passenger-bearing, structural components
(71,72); and means for connecting said movable, structural components to
said structure such that said components can be selectively moved between
a seat configuration, in which a plurality of passenger-bearing surfaces
on said one or more structural, movable components (71,71) or said
supporting structure form a seat for the passenger, and a bed
configuration, in which a plurality of said bearing surfaces
(47,48,67,74,76) are disposed substantially coplanarly and substantially
contiguously to form a bed for the passenger; characterized in that at
least one of said movable components (72) is double-sided, comprising
first and second opposite sides, one of said sides having a first seat
surface (73) that forms part of the seat in said seat configuration, and
the other side having a second bed surface (74) that forms part of said
bed in said bed configuration.