An electronic keyboard instrument which enables an instrument frame to be
shared by different types of electronic keyboard instruments, and
facilitates separate mounting and removal of a keyboard unit and a
tone-generating unit. A frame assembly (FAS) has a pair of left and right
frame bodies (LFM and RFM) and upper and lower connecting members (20AS
and 30AS). The frame assembly is configured such that the two frame
bodies are connected together via the connecting members. A pair of
keyboard unit-holding parts (16La and 16Ra) are provided respectively on
the two frame bodies of the frame assembly. The keyboard unit-holding
parts are capable of selectively holding one of a plurality of types of
keyboard units (KB). A pair of speaker unit-holding parts (17La and 17Ra)
are provided respectively on the two frame bodies, separately from the
keyboard unit-holding parts. The speaker unit-holding parts are capable
of selectively holding one of a plurality of types of speaker units (SP).