DAL education system, support education and teaching students in the third
world. The DAL Education system is comprised of three systems/I, II,
III/, to fit the request and the affordable schools need at the third
word countries. The first DAL Education system/I/use kiosk self-service
DAL e-library with DAL e-Book reader to be read throw domestic TV screen,
the second DAL Education system/II/use, DAL Library keeper special
software with DAL e-Book reader to be read throw domestic TV screen, the
third DAL Education system/III/use, small cheap self-service DAL
e-Magazine or monthly Author e-book library, with DAL e-Book reader to be
read throw domestic TV screen. The DAL EDU. System made the e-book
reading cheap easy and affordable to the third world students, this will
support and increase the quality education to make the standard living
third world people much better, as learning is the key to success in