A lightweight, non-bulky personal cooling device consists of a (1) first
length of flexible tubing adapted to fit around the wearer's torso or
another of the wearer's body parts, which tubing contains at least two
perforations and desirably a series thereof that are situated to
facilitate air cooling of the torso or other body part and connect at
both ends to (2) a T or Y-shaped connector having an additional inlet to
which is connected (3) a second length of flexible tubing which is
unperforated and is in turn connected (4) to a hand operatable air
aspirator member whereby air is drawn in through the second flexible
tubing and through the T or Y connector to the first flexible tubing from
which air exits to the skin of the wearer and cools it. The preferred air
aspirator is a sphygmanometer which can be carried in a pocket, or in a
pouch attached to the wearer.