Energy conversion devices employing gases and/or liquids as medium,
constructed with a hollow, preferably toroidal cylinder having two ports
and two, or more, identical ferromagnetic pistons moveably sealing the
hollow cylinder. Movements of the pistons are electromagnetically
selectable from the outside of the cylinder to either impart varying
unidirectional forces on the medium and/or to influence a magnetic
circuit placed outside the cylinder for the generation of motive or
electromotive forces. In a pump, a compressor and an externally heated
engine, the selective movement of the pistons always maintains a piston
between the two ports. In an internal-combustion engine, addition is made
of more pistons and one piston is selectively stopped and approached by
the adjacent piston, compressing a gaseous mixture to effect combustion;
electronic detection of the combustion allows the rapid electromagnetic
release of the stopped piston and stops the adjacent piston which was
compressing prior to the combustion.