Method and apparatus for separating components of slurries by gravity settling thereby forming a thickened slurry and a clarified liquid. The apparatus comprises a vessel for decanting a volume of slurry, the vessel having a top and an interior formed by a side wall and a bottom wall for holding the slurry, a slurry inlet means, an outlet for the clarified liquid near the top of the vessel, and a slurry withdrawal apparatus for removal of the thickened slurry from the vessel at or near the bottom wall thereof. The slurry withdrawal apparatus physically engages a portion of the slurry within the vessel interior and transports it through a vessel outlet. The apparatus may include an elongated, rotatable, open spiral-shaped element extending a distance into the vessel from outside near the bottom wall of the vessel, the open spiral-shaped element being in direct and open communication with the interior of the vessel over at least a significant portion of the distance, and a rotational drive mechanism for rotating the open spiral-shaped element, at least intermittently.


< Method and device for removal of residual products

> Filtration matrix

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