A method of producing a cladding tube for nuclear fuel for a nuclear
pressure water reactor includes forming a tube which at least principally
consists of a cylindrical tube component of a zirconium-based alloy,
where the alloying element, except for zirconium, which has the highest
content in the alloy is niobium, wherein the niobium content in weight
percent is between about 0.5 and about 2.4 and wherein no alloying
element, except for zirconium and niobum, in the alloy, has a content
which exceeds about 0.2 weight percent. The cladding tube is then
annealed such that the tube component is partly but not completely
recrystallized. The degree of recrystallization in the tube component is
higher than about 40% and lower than about 95%. A fuel assembly for a
nuclear pressure water reactor also has a plurality of such cladding