A method for allocating financial statement values across multiple
accounts using precise values is provided. The method creates an
n.times.m array of rounded allocation values, which are appropriately
scaled according to share values for each account. According to one
embodiment of the present invention, the method generates rounded
allocation values by working across a given line item, account by
account, then to a next line item. The method first calculates a relative
portion of a respective line item value to be apportioned to accounts 1
to j for a given account j. The method then rounds the calculated portion
according to a predetermined degree of precision. Finally, the method
calculates a portion applicable to account j as a difference between the
calculated portion and a portion calculated for a previous account j-1.
The method repeats these steps for each account from a first account to a
last account, then each line items from the first line item to the last
line item in the financial statement.