A refrigeration system includes a two-stage linear compressor having a
first piston disposed in a first cylinder and a second piston disposed in
a second cylinder. The linear compressor is operable in an economizer
cycle wherein the first piston operates as a first stage of the
economizer cycle and the second piston operates as a second stage of the
economizer cycle. A controller is coupled to the linear compressor to
control a volume flow ratio of the linear compressor. The controller
stores a plurality of coefficients of performance for a range of
particular operating conditions of the linear compressor and each
coefficient of performance corresponds to a desired volume flow ratio and
a desired secondary evaporating temperature. Based upon measured
operating conditions of the linear compressor, the controller determines
a highest coefficient of performance from the plurality of coefficients
of performance and varies operation of at least one of the first and
second pistons to achieve the desired volume flow ratio.