Method of processing MPLS packets in a telecommunication equipment
comprising the following steps in the following order: incoming
direction: count received frames and octets, validate packets, determine
interface identification, count received packets and octets, strip
external header, lookup for destination of incoming packets, next layer
decision and forwarding, TTL management, if next-hop is not the
equipment, PHB determination; outgoing direction: extract TTL from
received outgoing client packets, forward received outgoing client packet
as stripped MPLS packet with FEC, PHB, TTL, generate End_of_Stack bit,
forward stripped MPLS packet with FEC, PHB, TTL, End_of_Stack lookup for
destination of outgoing client packets with FEC originated by the
equipment, TTL management create MPLS header, count transmitted packets
and octets, forward MPLS packet, PHB, Next Hop.